Integrate your whole being, find support & live in wholeness

Holistic Healing & Mental Health Therapy

Your health is mind, body & spirit

I believe that every human has the ability to heal. That with connection to their whole self they can hold healthy relationship within community. 

“Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand.”
– Ojibwe Elder –

Upcoming Events

Upcoming EventTransform your Practice with Myrna McCallum

 If you are curious about how trauma, compassionate communication, emotional intelligence, and collective mental health strategies inform relationships and leadership styles including your own - then this program is for you! Heather will be speaking on:

  • Compassionate communication
  • How trauma shapes personality
  • Cultivating resilience, strength, and optimism
  • For more details, visit this link.

A holistic approach to trauma recovery addresses:

The Body

Childhood trauma is not just a cognitive experience or something we can put behind us. Trauma is stored in our body and impacts our many systems within the body and mind. Creating safety and presence in our body is crucial to healing our nervous system. Through building healthy skills and safe relationship you can create a regulated, calm body. 

The Mind

Experiencing trauma rewires the brain. It hijacks our cognitive functions to be in a state of hypervigilance, anxiety, and fear. By working with neuroplasticity (the brain's ability to undergo structural or physiological changes), we can create new patterns to shift from surviving to thriving. 

The Spirit

Every child is born with a unique soul path that’s often conditioned out of us in childhood. To live our of authentic self, aligned with who we truly are, we must unlearn who we needed to become to receive love, belong, and survive. This is the journey of remembering, reclaiming, and returning home to ourselves. 

Take one moment

Whether you are here seeking services or simply curious to explore this space, you are welcome. You are honored and accepted exactly as you are.

I invite you to take three belly-filling breaths in this moment. Fill your belly with air on your inhale, allow all of that air to leave your belly on your exhale. 1...2...3...

Unclench your jaw. Ease your shoulders.

 Next, scan your body from head to toe. Just notice how you are feeling in this moment. No need to judge or get rid of anything - it's all valid...simply notice your state of being with gentle curiosity.

Offer yourself words of celebration for this act of compassionate awareness.

 Nice going.

 I want you to know that you have every answer that you seek within yourself.

 Let's work together to unlock the wisdom of your intuition so that you may thrive in mind, body, and spirit.

Is trauma keeping you stuck?

Here are some commom symptoms of complex trauma and Complex PTSD

Difficulty with Emotional Regulation

Do you have trouble managing the intensity and duration of negative emotions?  Emotional flashbacks can create overwhelming feelings that were felt during past traumas as if they were happening in the present moment.

Dissociation or Depersonalization

Do you have little to no memory of your childhood or at times feel disconnected from yourself and the world around you? Obsessive worry, ruminations, and catastrophizing may also be signs of dissociation.


Are you always on high alert for real or perceived threats? Or highly sensitive to other people’s body language, tone, or facial expressions? Chronic hypervigilance leads to an over-activated nervous system which keeps your body in survival mode, triggering fight-flight-freeze-or-fawn responses. 

Severe Inner Critic & Negative Self-View

Do you experience feelings of shame, guilt, self-loathing, or unworthiness? A pervasive inner critic perpetuates toxic shame and negative self-view, which can often be masked under perfectionism or people-pleasing. 

Imagine if you could…

Understand how complex trauma has impacted you biologically, psychologically, emotionally, and relationally. 

  • Learn how to establish safety and connection with your nervous system. 

  • Develop the tools and coping mechanisms to help navigate triggers and emotional dysregulation. 

  • Learn how to connect with yourself and others in a healthy way. 

  • Move out of living in survival mode and live a life beyond your trauma. 

  • Feel empowered in your healing journey and reconnect with your authentic self. 

Our Values

My Mission

I envision a world in which all people have access to information and services that can help them improve their mental and emotional health and achieve harmony, thus promoting healthier families and communities.

My Process

I am dedicated to walking the path alongside my clients as they do the joyful yet difficult work of healing. I focus on providing individualized care rooted in research based modalities such as EMDR, Ego State, MDMA Assisted Therapy, Emotion focused techniques supported by somatic holding such as breathe-work, meditation, guided imagery, Reiki and compassionate mindfulness. 

Let's work together

If you decide I may be a good fit for you know that our work is not rushed. We take our time pacing your healing to ensure the safest form of healing for mind, body and spirit.